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Raku Workshop coming soon.

RAKU is an exciting ceramic firing technique because you are so involved in the firing process.  You've got glowing-hot pots, smoke, flame, and nearly immediate results!  The results are very unique from other firing processes.  Many people are attracted to Raku because of the bright metallic colors you get from firing copper glazes.  Raku is a low-fire technique, the resulting pots are not especially durable, but they are all one-of-a-kind and very interesting to look at. 

Raku classes are now being offered at the shop twice per month.  Come on in and decorate a piece (many styles and sizes to choose from), and while the kiln is firing, you may want to work on a clay-extruded or clay-puzzled piece.  Then get involved in removing the Raku piece from the kiln yourself and taking part in the next step.  The hot pieces are put in a metal garbage can with combustible materials inside, such as newspaper.  As the heat from the pot burns up the newspaper, the lid is put on, and the oxygen inside the can is consumed.  After about 20 minitues, you can remove your piece, and clean off and polish up with a wire brush.  Awesome, exciting results!

Raku Pictures:






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